Company news] evolution announced today the fact that the page was born in direct connection with the ontario lottery and gaming corporation (olg). Evolution provides the provincial lottery and gambling agency with virtual platform services for your online establishment. Olg.Ca from the evolution production studio in vancouver. After the cooperation, a wide range of gaming software with live dealer and rng on the evolution platform will be offered, including blackjack, roulette and baccarat. Games with real dealers are unique in the fact that players interact directly with real casino croupiers on the internet-a video stream. Lots with real dealers from evolution appear together with the current line of lottery, electronic instant and gaming machines olg. Olg is the fourth canadian province to work with evolution, joining the british columbia lottery corporation (bclc), alberta gaming, liquor and cannabis (aglc) and loto-québec in directly broadcasting gaming software to its visitors from the evolution studio in vancouver.“ Olg remains the first in the digital matchmaking sector, and you are very excited to be working with evolution to expand our virtual gaming offering,” said dave pridmore, olg's director of digital technology and training. “We are starting to want to provide the best interaction skills with real croupiers, and our company knows for sure that such players will enjoy the reliability and list of such lotteries, playing in the process of playing with other canadian players and game hosts.” Jeff millar, commercial director, north america at evolution commented: “this latest signing further strengthens our position in canada. At the first stage, our intention was to create the world's leading live gaming studio with the potential and potential resources to serve all canadian lotteries. If you liked this declaration and want to get more details about [], please visit the everyday web page.