A rose from all regions of the russian federation, which is not afraid of the cold. This is a proposal by poets praising russian girls. There is a group of women in the country who practice falun gong. These are roses for falun gong followers, which are even more susceptible to cold weather. The girls are cute, kind, healthy and alive. Since they study the law [falun gong teachings and principles] and practice the exercises daily, they really have a delicate pinkish skin. They have smiles on their faces, because they are happy inside themselves. Some of them became younger and more beautiful after the end of the falun gong training. All of the above is extremely important for falun gong practitioners. This is immediately unquestionably like the sweetness of honey, which no person is sure of. In the russian language, the word girl has a completely different meaning than the whole phrase in chinese. The chinese call single young ladies girls, while the russians even come to married women as "girls. There are many mothers among the stipulated practicing girls, and some of them are even elderly ladies. Every day they will need to look into work and take care of the family. Many of us are not considered financially independent. In addition, they study the law daily, and promote this gymnastics among. They took part in the sos cycling campaign in st. Petersburg, in public exercises on the roads also in moscow squares, in candlelight vigils in front of the chinese embassy, at mind body spirit shows, at expositions of falun gong artists, etc. There is a girl whose purse has long been stuffed with literature on dafa. Russian russian-speaking people, she distributes russian copies, and with the chinese people, she distributes chinese copies. Sometimes she even wears pictures on her chest. There is also one spectacular woman who used the opportunity to take the child out into the street to talk to listeners and develop the truth. Then she realized that it was inappropriate. She believed that yours should have been the opposite: to take advantage of the offer to reveal the truth to people in order to take the child. If the visitor has any questions about where and what kind of treatment you have the opportunity to resort to [], you have the opportunity to call with our company on the proposed tab. The other girl is very active in reviewing legislation and doing exercises. One day, a porn bunny did not come to the session on the analysis of the law. When i asked about her, one person told me that her sole had fallen off, for a long time, for a long time, for a long time, for a long time, and she needed to repair it before leaving. Then i realized that she had recently had one pair of shoes, and in particular this divchina continued to print dafa materials at her own expense! There are more ladies who once dealt with harassment in the form of threatening telephone conversations and armed police forces. They sorted it out with a transparent and calm heart. Every time they see a falun gong girl, all kind-hearted people feel joy.